15 most important questions you need to ask your glazier when getting a quote


When it comes to replacing glass in your home or business, selecting the right glazier is key to ensuring a successful and stress-free project.

To make an informed decision, it's crucial to ask your glazier the right questions when obtaining a glass replacement quote.

In this article, we'll explore 15 important questions to help you navigate the process and ensure you have all the information needed for a seamless glass replacement experience.

Here are the 15 most important questions you should ask your glazier.

What is the scope involved in the job?

So, we're talking about swapping out the old glass for the new, but what else is in the mix?

Are they handling the removal of the old glass, and is there any fix-up work needed around the edges? It's good to have the full picture so you know what to expect.

What type of glass will you be using?

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of the glass itself. Are we looking at tempered glass for safety, maybe laminated for extra security, or low-E for some energy efficiency?

And hey, is all of this meeting the rules and codes?

How do you guys measure and fit my windows?

Time to get technical! How are they making sure everything fits just right? Are we talking laser precision here, or are they taking a more traditional route? And what about accounting for any quirks in the structure?

What is the cost and is my quote all inclusive?

Money matters, right? What's the breakdown of the costs? Materials, labor, any unexpected surprises that might pop up?

Having a clear breakdown helps you keep tabs on the wallet.

How long will the job take?

Let's talk time. What's the game plan on how long this whole thing will take? Any potential speed bumps that could slow things down? Knowing the timeline helps you plan accordingly.

What's the installation process?

Paint me a picture of installation day. How are they making sure everything goes in smoothly, and more importantly, how are they protecting everything around it? Drop cloths, covers, what's the deal?

Does my job come with warranty?

Safety net time! What's the warranty on the glass and the work? How long does it last, and what's covered? And most importantly, if something does go sideways, what's the process for making it right?

Are you fully certified glaziers?

Let's check their ID, so to speak. Do they have the necessary licenses and insurance? And, do you have a VIP pass to talk to folks who've been in your shoes before? Getting the inside scoop can be gold.

Do you guys take care of all Brisbane City Council Permits?

The bureaucratic dance.

Do we need BCC council permits for this gig, and if so, are they shouldering the responsibility of dealing with the paperwork?

Because, let's face it, who enjoys dealing with permits?

Do your glaziers clean up the old glass?

Post-installation vibes. What's the plan for cleaning up the battlefield? And speaking of which, does the quote include hauling away the remnants of the old glass, or is that something you need to sort out?

Do you have energy efficient options for my glass?

Going green, perhaps? If so, let's chat about energy efficiency. How is this new glass going to contribute to keeping things cozy inside and maybe trimming a bit off the energy bill?

How do I care for my glass after it's been installed?

Glass needs some love too! What's the secret sauce for keeping it looking fresh? Any do's and don'ts to make sure it stays in tip-top shape?

How can I pay?

Time to talk cash. When do they need their cut? Is a deposit on the table, and is there room for negotiation on a payment plan if needed?

Getting the money talk sorted early is a good move.

It's best to chat with your glazier to see how they offer their payments, whether it be cash, card, or even bitcoin nowadays in 2023.

Are your glaziers insured?

Safety first. What's the deal with insurance? Are the glaziers covered, and how does that play out if something takes a wrong turn during installation?

Having the details on insurance is like having a safety net.

What happens if my glass breaks during installation?

Murphy's Law – what if something goes sideways? It's good to know they've got a game plan for unexpected hiccups. What's their Plan B when things don't go according to the script?

Arming yourself with these questions turns your glass replacement chat into a symphony. You're the conductor, and these questions are your notes. Time to make beautiful, glassy music with your glazier!

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