10 Different Glass Types For Brisbane Homes


When it comes to the design and construction of homes and businesses in Brisbane, one crucial yet often overlooked aspect is the choice of window glass. The glass you select for your windows can significantly impact the comfort, energy efficiency, and overall aesthetics of your space. Brisbane's unique climate, with its hot and humid summers and mild winters, calls for careful consideration of the type of glass used to ensure optimal performance year-round. As we delve into the realm of window glass options, it becomes apparent that there is a diverse range of choices available to cater to various needs and preferences.


Windows play a multifaceted role in enhancing the functionality and appearance of both residential and commercial spaces in Brisbane. Beyond providing a view to the outside world, windows also contribute significantly to energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and safety.

  • Energy Efficiency: In a climate like Brisbane's, where temperatures can soar during summer months, the choice of window glass can have a substantial impact on the indoor climate. High-quality glass with effective thermal insulation properties can help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning and consequently cutting down on energy bills.
  • Aesthetics: The visual impact of windows cannot be understated. The type of glass chosen can complement the architectural style of the building, enhance interior décor, and create a cohesive design theme. Whether you're aiming for a sleek modern look or a more traditional aesthetic, the right glass can make all the difference.
  • Safety: Safety is of paramount importance, especially in areas prone to severe weather events. The right type of glass can provide added protection against breakage and potential intruders. Additionally, certain glass options are designed to minimize injury in case of accidental breakage, making them ideal for family homes and commercial establishments alike.

As we explore the various types of glass available for windows, it's important to remember that each option brings its own set of benefits and considerations. From standard options to cutting-edge solutions, the world of window glass is vast and diverse, offering choices that can be tailored to the specific requirements of Brisbane's unique environment.



Float glass, with its exceptional clarity and versatility, dominates the market as the primary choice for standard window applications. This type of glass is crafted by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal, resulting in a smooth and uniform surface that allows maximum light transmission. It's estimated that over 90% of architectural glass used globally is float glass. The affordability of float glass makes it a cost-effective solution for a wide range of residential and commercial projects in Brisbane, contributing to its widespread popularity.


The benefits of laminated safety glass extend far beyond its mere appearance. Comprising multiple layers of glass bonded together by a resilient interlayer, laminated glass is designed to remain intact upon impact, even when shattered. This property has been instrumental in its use for automobile windshields, where it prevents occupants from being ejected during accidents. In Australia, the Building Code of Australia (BCA) mandates the use of laminated safety glass in certain situations, such as when glass is close to floor level or in doors and sidelights. This underscores its importance in ensuring the safety of occupants in both residential and commercial settings.


The concept of privacy is deeply intertwined with the design of living and working spaces. Obscured glass steps in as a solution that balances the need for natural light with the desire for privacy. By scattering light and distorting images, obscured glass allows illumination while preventing outsiders from peering in. With various patterns and designs available, including acid-etched and sandblasted options, homeowners and businesses can choose from an array of options. In Australia, the use of obscured glass in bathrooms, showers, and other privacy-sensitive areas is recommended to comply with regulations and create comfortable spaces.


Tinted glass emerges as a popular choice for those seeking enhanced comfort within their spaces, particularly in Brisbane's sun-drenched climate. This type of glass is infused with color additives during its manufacturing process, resulting in various shades that not only offer aesthetic appeal but also serve practical purposes. One of the key advantages of tinted glass lies in its ability to reduce heat and glare. By absorbing and reflecting a portion of incoming solar radiation, tinted glass helps maintain a more comfortable indoor temperature and reduces the need for excessive air conditioning. This is particularly beneficial in Brisbane, where scorching summer temperatures are a norm. Tinted glass also acts as a shield against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, protecting interiors from fading and occupants from potential health risks.


Strength and safety converge in the form of tempered glass, making it an essential choice for areas susceptible to impact. Tempered glass undergoes a specialized heat treatment process that enhances its strength and shatter-resistant properties.

When broken, tempered glass shatters into small, harmless fragments instead of sharp shards, significantly reducing the risk of injury. This attribute makes tempered glass a preferred option for high-risk areas such as doors, shower enclosures, and large windows. In Brisbane's dynamic urban environment, where safety considerations are paramount, tempered glass stands as a reliable solution that withstands the challenges of daily use while prioritizing the well-being of occupants.


The concept of insulated glass aligns perfectly with the energy-conscious ethos of modern construction in Brisbane. Comprising multiple glass panes separated by a spacer filled with air or gas, insulated glass acts as a thermal barrier, significantly enhancing energy efficiency. In a climate characterized by temperature fluctuations, insulated glass helps regulate indoor temperatures by reducing heat transfer through windows. This translates to lower heating and cooling costs throughout the year.

In Brisbane's weather, insulated glass prevents heat from entering during scorching summers and retains warmth during the cooler months. This smart solution not only contributes to a more comfortable living and working environment but also aligns with sustainability goals by minimizing energy consumption.


Smart glass emerges as a groundbreaking innovation that marries technology and functionality. With the ability to adjust its transparency levels, smart glass offers a dynamic solution for privacy, light control, and aesthetics. In fact, the global smart glass market is projected to reach over USD 11 billion by 2026, driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions and smart home technologies. This glass type holds immense potential for both modern homes and commercial spaces in Brisbane. By enabling instant privacy and optimizing natural light, smart glass contributes to energy savings and enhanced user experience.


The energy-efficient features of double glazed glass have earned it a prominent place in contemporary architecture. Double glazed windows significantly reduce heat loss, leading to potential energy savings of up to 30% in heating and cooling costs. In a city like Brisbane, where the quest for energy efficiency is paramount, this glass type proves its worth. It's worth noting that energy efficiency regulations in Australia have led to increased adoption of double glazed glass, making it a standard choice for both residential and commercial projects.


Mirrored glass offers not only reflective charm but also practical advantages. Its contribution to spatial enhancement is backed by studies showing that well-placed mirrors can create the illusion of a larger room, making them a valuable asset in space-constrained environments. In a cosmopolitan hub like Brisbane, where efficient space utilization is crucial, mirrored glass aligns well with the city's architectural aspirations.


Screen printed glass takes customization to a new level. This versatile glass type not only adds an artistic touch to interiors and exteriors but also serves as a branding tool. The Australian window and door market, which encompasses various glass types, is projected to grow steadily due to urbanization, housing demand, and infrastructure development. Screen printed glass addresses the need for personalized and visually appealing design elements in commercial spaces. Its combination of aesthetics and functionality resonates particularly well with Brisbane's vibrant business landscape.


When selecting the ideal glass for windowin Brisbane, several crucial factors come into play, ensuring that the chosen glass type aligns perfectly with the unique characteristics of the location, climate, building type, and intended use.

  • Location and Climate: Brisbane's climate, characterized by its subtropical nature, necessitates careful consideration of the glass's thermal properties. Opting for glass with efficient insulation can help regulate indoor temperatures, minimizing the reliance on air conditioning during hot summers and reducing heating needs in milder winters.
  • Building Type: The type of building, be it residential, commercial, or industrial, impacts the glass choice. In commercial spaces, for instance, safety and security are paramount, driving the selection of laminated or tempered glass. For residences, a balance between aesthetics and energy efficiency may be the primary consideration.
  • Intended Use: The purpose of the space plays a pivotal role in glass selection. Privacy-sensitive areas like bathrooms and bedrooms may benefit from obscured glass, while large windows in living areas might warrant double glazed glass for improved energy efficiency and noise reduction.


The cost of glass can vary significantly based on factors such as the type of glass, features, and installation requirements. Float glass, being a common choice, tends to be more affordable due to its wide availability. On the other hand, specialized glass types like smart glass and double glazed glass may come at a higher price point due to their advanced technology and energy-efficient benefits.

In the Brisbane market, approximate cost ranges per square meter for different glass types can provide a general idea:

  • Float Glass: $30 - $60 per square meter.
  • Laminated Safety Glass: $150 - $250 per square meter.
  • Tinted Glass: $120 - $220 per square meter.
  • Double Glazed Glass: $200 - $400 per square meter.

It's important to note that these figures are indicative and can vary based on factors such as glass thickness, size, installation complexity, and any additional features like UV protection or self-cleaning coatings. Considering the long-term benefits of energy efficiency, safety, and aesthetics can help justify the initial investment in higher-cost glass types.


The diversity of glass types brings with it a range of quality levels that can greatly impact performance and longevity. Reputable suppliers play a pivotal role in maintaining high-quality standards, ensuring the safety and reliability of the glass products they offer.

In Australia, adherence to standards is crucial, especially considering the country's stringent regulations. For instance, laminated safety glass must adhere to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2208, which outlines the requirements for impact safety performance Reputable suppliers not only meet these standards but often exceed them through rigorous testing and quality control procedures.

When it comes to advanced glass solutions like insulated glass, quality directly impacts energy efficiency. High-quality insulated glass units provide effective thermal insulation, helping homes and businesses reduce energy consumption and lower their carbon footprint. A well-manufactured insulated glass unit can achieve a U-value as low as 1.0 W/m²K, a testament to its energy-saving capabilities.


Considering Brisbane's climatic conditions, the right glass type can make a substantial difference in energy consumption and comfort levels. Double glazed glass, for instance, boasts exceptional energy-saving potential. According to the Australian Window Association, double glazing can reduce heat gain by up to 77% and heat loss by up to 70% compared to single glazing. This translates to tangible savings on energy bills and a reduced environmental impact.

Laminated safety glass, with its shatter-resistant properties, is ideal for Brisbane's unpredictable weather patterns. It's worth noting that laminated glass can withstand multiple impacts without completely breaking, a vital safety feature in regions prone to storms and hail.

For those who value aesthetics and privacy, obscured glass presents an appealing option. With patterns like acid-etched designs, obscured glass offers an elegant way to maintain privacy while allowing natural light to filter through. This decorative aspect aligns well with Brisbane's design-conscious community.

By carefully evaluating the energy efficiency, safety, and aesthetic aspects of different glass types, Brisbane homeowners can make choices that enhance both the living experience and the property's value. Reputable suppliers play an indispensable role in ensuring that these choices are backed by quality products that meet the demands of Brisbane's dynamic environment.

JRC Glass Solutions are the leaders in aluminium windows and doors in Brisbane. Our team of glaziers can help you choose the perfect window glass options for your Brisbane home or business. Give our team a call today!

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